Short Tutorial/FAQ – What Are the Downsides of 5G Home Internet?

Question: I'm hearing big promises from 5G home internet. What are the downsides?
Answer: As the saying goes, "If it seems too good to be true, it probably is." Some customers who switched to 5G home internet are feeling buyer's remorse for these reasons:
- Service is less stable. Signals for 5G travel through the air rather than in cables underground, and speeds tend to fluctuate more often.
- Actual speeds are often slower than advertised ones. Factors such as network congestion, buildings and other obstructions, and inclement weather can slow down speeds.
- During peak usage times, your connection may be deprioritized. This is because 5G home internet is a connection shared by many users.
- The farther you are from the radio towers, the weaker your internet signal will be. Since 5G home internet uses radio frequencies, the travel distances of the signals are limited.
- 5G home internet isn't as good as fiber internet. Fiber is the fastest, most reliable internet available.

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