Short Tutorial/FAQ – Why Are My Speed Test Results Lower Than Expected?

Question: When I recently did a speed test on my home's internet connection, the speeds didn't match what's stated for my internet plan. How come?
Answer: Internet service providers typically advertise "up to" or maximum download and upload speeds for plans, but actual speeds may come in lower. They can also vary day by day, or even hour by hour. This is because factors including these can affect the speeds:
- Wi-Fi interference – Other electronic devices, physical obstacles like walls and doors, and even other Wi-Fi networks nearby can impact your speed.
- Range from the router – The farther your device is from your Wi-Fi router, the weaker the signal and, consequently, the slower the speed.
- Many devices – The more devices connected to your network, the more crowded your network becomes, and this can slow things down.
- Software updates and background activities – Sometimes, devices run necessary software updates or background processes that can take up a chunk of your bandwidth, causing a slower connection.
- Older devices – Devices with older Wi-Fi technology take more time to transmit and receive data on your Wi-Fi network, which can slow the entire network down.
It's important to understand that advertised speeds are based on a wired connection. Wireless speeds will always be somewhat slower than this advertised speed as there are many variables that affect Wi-Fi connectivity and performance. If possible, run a speed test from a computer that is connected via an ethernet cable to your modem or router. This will produce the most accurate speed test result.

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