Short Tutorial/FAQ – Tips for Home Router Placement

Question: Where's the best place to set up my home's router?
Answer: The best place to set up your router is in a central location that's off the floor and away from obstructions and certain electronics. This will enable your Wi-Fi network to transmit the strongest signal to the most places.
Here are the details:
- Choose a central location. Routers send the signal out in all directions. If you place it in the corner of your home, a significant percentage of your wireless coverage is being sent outside.
- Place the router as high as possible. To maximize Wi-Fi coverage, put your router high on a bookshelf or mount it on the wall in an inconspicuous place. Don't put it on the floor.
- Avoid other electronics. Keep your router away from the microwave, which emits a strong signal in the 2.4GHz band, which is the same wireless band in which your router operates. You'll also want to avoid placing your router behind a large TV, since it could cause electronic interference while also physically blocking or disrupting the signal.
You may need to experiment and move your router around a couple of times to figure out what location works best in your home.

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