That's Right!

You Chose "C" William Shatner (Captain Kirk) – That's Incorrect!

James Doohan (Scotty) lost his right middle finger during World War II.

Most of Scotty's scenes in Star Trek are shot to hide Doohan's missing finger. However, it's very noticeable in the episode "Catspaw" (1967), when Scotty is holding a phaser pistol on Kirk and Spock with only two fingers on the phaser's butt.

While we're on the topic of Scotty, it's revealed in the episode "Wolf in the Fold" (1967) that Scotty's full name is Montgomery Scott. The name was improvised by Doohan and Gene Roddenberry — Scott because Roddenberry liked Doohan's Scottish brogue, and Montgomery because it's Doohan's middle name.

Star Trek is universally acknowledged as the most successful franchise in television history.

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